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The facets of chromanity

For week 4, which I am behind on, I have pushed the Gygax 75 goals to the bottom of the post because I want to focus more on a related but more important topic-- the people who inhabit the towns.


Much of how and why chromanity is here on V'COSA was hidden by the Serpent Empire, lost to time, and swallowed with the world-cracking arrival/departure of Shudde M'ell in the same instant. But this is what is known about chromanity. 

The Serpent Empire viewed chromanity the way IRL humans had fancy mice for pets then those strains were later developed into experimental models for research. As such, the Serpent Empire developed chromanity in three known ways:

  • Chromanity organs can enhance magic derived from the Gods on V'COSA or the Gods outside of V'COSA, not the Gods above V'COSA. The Serpent Empire started with Crimson, Xanthic, & Cerulean and the rest arose from there-- or that is how those three groups tell it.
    • Only Jale buildings are found dotting the landscape, some say they are the AI
    • Writing from the past note that the Dolm people where appetizing to the Serpents
  • Chromanity's blood is blue because it lacks iron and is nickel-copper based, which further enhances the conduction of magic. 
    • The Ulfire people can practice magic but their organs nor blood seem to enhance it
  • Chromanity lays eggs, because the Serpent Empire found that convenient and less messy.
    • This is not true of the Viridian

There are also other differences of V'COSA's chromanity that are gifts from the gods or holdover from Serpent Empire experiments:
  • Cerulean can secret an adhesive that is particularly good a binding the sands of V'COSA and can unhinge their jaw to accommodate large amounts
  • Crimson settlements always have a doppelganger town somewhere else; the citizens feel each other in their dreams
  • Vermillion exhibit a dimorphism where some of their numbers will grow to 8-9 ft and are judged to be god-appointed ruler
  • Viridian have 1-in-6 of their children develop the traits of animals; children are treated no different
  • Indigo are referred to as "Sudo" by AI and accept Indigo requests (but not commands) more favorably; all scans by AI lead to the same reference with an expired pass command
  • Xanthic blood ignites in a green flame on contact with air and urine the same on contact with water


All of chromanity, save for the Vantanic Union and the Ulfire Seers, are united in building the Divine Chime. An effort of multi-generations and countless resources. But given the scattered disposition of the settles of V'COSA, chromanity developed a traveling "church" of sorts to gather tithing from those afar. There is more than one procession at a time, but the exact number is thought to not be known.

Each procession consists of 100 individuals. 16 from each of the hues of chromanity and 4 mirror-masked leaders clade in white. The mirror reflects that faces of chromanity back on itself to remind everyone why the work is being undertaken-- to awake the gods for the good of all. Also at least one mirror-masked leader carries an "eye of judgment" a device that calls on the judgment from the Gods Above V'COSA.

Crossing ways with the Holy Procession requires a few things:

  • Tithe (10% of XP in coin or 1 piece of AI machinery or 2 power cells)
  • Reaffirmation of faith (reskinned carousing)
  • Act of Service if the Tithe could not be met (sorta geas)
Additionally the faceted procession functions as a moving source of:
  • Law (material & philosophically)
  • Magic from the Gods Above V'COSA (help with healing/restoration)
  • Weapons/Armor/Equipment (always high end and expensive)
  • Potential Information
  • Factional engagement (moves can be made here)

A central goal of week 4 of the G75 Challenge is the creation of a town.

Honestly, making a bunch of locations for V'COSA is very easy with "Settlement" tables in the Vaults of Vaarn SRD and the very amazing Vaarn Atlas. And really if I wanted a big city map for use, then yeah I'd just go with Gnomon from Vaults of Vaarn Vol 2.

And all of those links will carry you to information to create everything else outlined in Week IV of the Gygax 75 Challenge.


  1. "Chromanity" is a good collective name for the many-colored humans bred by the Serpent Empire. I like the additional twists you've given each group.

    1. I'll echo this sentiment. The Serpent Empire's Chromans feel like dog breeds, with their various purposeful traits.

    2. Thanks Anne! Glad "chromanity" comes off well and I like LS' "chromans" better than "HUEmens".

      You and LS are both spot on in that I sorta look at the Serpent Empire using chromans for experiments like we used fancy mice.

      Fancy mice started out as pets, but then as lab science and experimentation became more formalized, those same fancy mice breeds were used to seed the experimental mouse lines we use today.

      And each line has their own quirks from psychology, physiology, to coat color.
