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YOU DID THIS TO ME! Dead PCs Return To Mence The Living & Other Dungeon Headaches

You did this to me!

One of the neatest mechanics from InPlacesDeep's Nightwick Abbey that I have experienced is that PCs who are killed and left in the dungeon tend to return as wights.

This spurred me to think about the death of PCs more for my own dungeons. If the mythic underworld can infect the mundane to make it mystic, why not PCs' corpses as well? I think this effect could help make PC death a little more impactful and add a natural ritual to the game-- honoring the dead.

And also by impactful, I think below is a simple way to add a significant change to the dungeon personalized to the players' actions. I think whether consciously stated or not, players love to see the impact they have on the world.

So how would the mythic underworld affect dead players? Well, of course, all arise as undead with all the associated pros/cons. All HD are now d8s. And they hate the PCs- no negotiation. May instead of needing silver to-hit, silver weapons do +1 dmg (e.g a silver dagger does 1d4+1 dmg)


  • FIGHTERS: Blood lusted and battle-hardened! Returns as fast rage zombies, now can charge 30 feet and inflict 2d6 dmg while thrown objects do 1d8 damage.
  • WIZARDS: The body dies, the head lives! The head pops off and floats around. Now can cast one spell known in life out of each eye. May grow more eyes & cast more spells- behold.
  • CLERICS: Faith inverted! The corpse rises, talks backward, and is now an anti-cleric; will lair in the nearest grave, crypt, mausoleum ect. and raise the dead from anything the PC recently killed.
  • THIEVES: Sulk in the shadows eternal! A piece of their soul is molded into a rat/crow-like thing an omen of bad luck, invisible but can be seen in a mirror or appears right when a PC does something dangerous; increases the saving throw by +2.
  • ELFS: A cold but exquisite corpse! Travels out of the dungeon seeking the warmth of home and adoration; radiates Charm Person requesting the affected to continually build and add to fires resulting in the dwelling burning down and all in it- save the elf. 
  • DWARFS: Endless toil, endless trouble! Everything left behind except a pick; make new tunnels, collapse old ones, leave traps, and they don't know when, but they'll dig to (a) hell eventually.
  • HALFLINGS: Harth and hive! The corpse spontaneously generates a walking nest home to stinging, biting insects; double the number of vermin on the encounter table even if you have to increase the die size to do so.
  • REMOVE THE BODY: Take the corpse out of the dungeon and give a proper burial
    • Gus L of All Dead Generations has suggested: (1) hauling a corpse is encumbering; (2) if given a successful burial of at least 100gp, replacement character gets a 1/2 share of XP
  • SALT CIRCLE: Take salt with you. If someone dies, make a salt circle around them. Works until the circle is broken, but should last a week but longer than that? Eh...
  • CAST BLESS ON THE BODY: It will send the soul to the proper place or at least the afterlife of the cleric's devotion which might not be the dead person's preference but...eh...


  1. Love this! Yet another weird little spin to add to the Mythic Underworld.

  2. I like your ideas for the various types of undead. Years ago a party left behind a cleric (my wifes character) in the tomb of horror. They couldnt get the body without risking their own deaths so were forced to leave her. Acerak raised her as a vampire and has become a reoccurring character in my campaign. My wife if creeped out by her own character being turned. However its clear the vampire PC does not want to serve Acerak so different parties over the years have tried to save her, but all have failed. Acerak is just to wily and tough.

  3. Ohh... I once saw the idea of dead torchbearers coming back as ghostly remnants, but your ideas are even better
