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PAINT THE (VILLAGE) RED: A General Purpose Carousing Table


What self-respecting old-school blog would be complete without a carousing table? 

This is part of an effort to build my own pamphlet DMG, The Serpent Song Hymnal, which is a collection of tables and such that help me adjudicate games. I feel like doing this sorta thing was popular circa ~2009?

To improve the table, I think I would try to rewrite it to better match the specific campaign I was running so that it is a mechanism by which the PCs would come in contact with more named NPCs, factions, and whatever constitutes the "law", and maybe also more visitation from the gods/spirits in a Clash of the Titans sorta way. Maybe make it a d30 table which feels like a 2012 blog thing.

But I think the below is good enough for your generic dungeons. And please excuse the choppy wording- it was originally formatted for a column taking up half a page.


During downtime between sessions, the character spends 1d8 x 100sp, gains that much XP 1:1, and then makes a Save vs Poison:

  • If you fail the Save vs Poison then roll a 1d20 and consult the table below. 
  • If you do not have enough money to cover your carousing, then lose all your money, gain only 1/2 the XP, and roll on the table below.

1. What Happened?!: No memory of the night before. Lose all your money & a random valuable item.
2. Chug! Chug! Chug!: Consume a mysterious potion: (1-2) -1d6 hp, (3-4) Gaseous Form at the start of the adventure, (5-6) soft glow
3. Light. It. UP!: Burn down (1-2) your fav inn (3-4) the other fav inn (5-6) the blacksmith’s
4. New Ink is… (1) lame (2) blasphemous (3) on your face (4) misspelled (5) a map? (6) metal!
5. Magic Beans: 3 items replaced with 1 alleged magic bean (1:6 one bean is magic)
6. Outlaw!: Now all the king’s men are looking for you; few in town will deal with you
7. Pig!: Rebuffed advances of a MU & now cursed as a swine; Save vs spells next week 
8. BASTARD!: Insulted, your hirelings leave
9. Lover! Romantic Interest creates (1-2) jealous ex-lover, (3-4) angry parents.
10. Your Large Public Painting is (1-2) a defacement (3-4) slanderous, (5-6) immoral
11. Arrested: D6 x 100sp to bribe your way out or jailed until a bribe can be paid.
12. Enigmatic Gift: Its true nature remains unknown until a critical moment
13. Did That Seem Undercooked?: Save vs. Poison or gain a parasite
14. Gourmet Experience: (1-2) Mildly addictive, (3-4) +1 to CON, (5-6) Hallucinogenic.
15. Recent Convert: Replace class abilities with 1st level cleric for next adventure
16. Duel Challenger: Prepare to face a skilled opponent next week.
17. Mysterious Patron: Gain a mysterious benefactor who offers assistance in times of need for a price
18. Fame Backlash: Your newfound reputation attracts unwanted attention. Roll 1d6: (1-3) Annoying fans, (4-5) a 0-level camp follower, (6) Bounty hunters.
19. Strange Markings: Gain +1 RxN checks with occult enthusiasts, but -1 with religious types.
20. Divine Visitation: Experience a moment of clarity. Gain a prophetic vision related to your next quest.

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