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In keeping on-brand for this challenge, I am repurposing or recycling things rather than creating things whole cloth. So instead of running separate campaigns for Barrens of Carcosa, Ultra Violet Grasslands, Valts of Vaarn, and Tomb Robbers of the Crystal Frontier, I am going to try to fold each into a single campaign using Vaarn as a base: V'COSA

For the week 3 requirement, I am going to re-edit a previous effort at a BX megadungeon for OSE. Initially, my goal was to create a six level megadungeon that incorporate 90% of BX material that also attempted to bring some high-level decision-making down into the lower levels of play. I also wanted to showcase BX magic items and monsters in a new light.

I've gotten as far as an outline for each level and had begun keying a map from Dyson. However, I felt like I hit a creative block. But I think applying a V'COSA bent to the dungeon has re-invigorated some creative energy and I think it's most likely good that I combine both. 

We will place this keep at E8 and let's use the Vaults of Vaarn tables to generate its past & present. We need a snappy name for it, but that can come later. Each section below represents a summary of each level, major NPCs, what they want, how the levels are connected, and maybe a 1d6 wandering monster table.


LEVEL ONE- The Seat of Amber Judgement

Three entrances to roughly 3 non-overlapping areas. The introduction of a memetic malevolent force, THE EGG.

  • The royal entourage of Princess Vass (left entrance, virmillion; re-skinned Neanderthals which are always led by one 6HD leader! So, Vass is ~half-giant) has made camp. In search of wyrms to slay, the princess has become obsessed with an egg-like jewel in the front door, pried it out, and now has fallen into an ill-temper with fits of rage and murder. Her suitors have broken into two camps: loyalist who will not betry her and rebels those who now want to murder her to settle a fresh grudge.
  • The Amber Judgment (center entrance) several amber statues in this cave system mark the presence of a medusa and her blind seer. The medusa, viridian, has had their head encased in parasitic nano-tech resulting gold eyes, faceted like an insect, and metal snake-like hair. Can turn beings into amber and considered by locals to be a demi-god of judgement. There is also an oracle who is involve in a game of fates with another seer deeper in the dungeon complex (Level 4). The oracle can also (1) divine the position of the gods (2) provide a descriptions of treature in the dungeon.
  • Den of Thieves Right entrance, multi-chromatic smugglers are prepping for a trip down river to join an earlier band who left 1 week ago (Level 3). However, preparation has been delayed by an O.G.R.E. occupying the area, love sick for Princess Vass, and causing delays. Smugglers will bargain with PCs for ogre removal, hire them as extra muscle against down-river forces, or sacrifice them later (OR maybe they are a cult who have also become obsessed with THE EGG).

LEVEL TWO- The Halls of the Talking Gods

Older part of this fortress. This portion was a temple to gods on V'COSA as opposed to those above V'COSA. Several statues depict large jale bodies, but with confusing animal heads (three jawed wolf or 3 intertwined snakes, or 7 eyed tiger with a tongue of centipedes). A brass bowl near each statue will allow for burnt offering to be performed and boon to be gained. One room will have more normal statues depicting what items they like. One room will contain “living” statues of the gods, writhing in pain,  with their heads removed-- and dragged into deeper levels-- a sacrifice to THE EGG.

LEVEL THREE- The Court of the Singing Queen

This level features the other half of the chromantic bandits (Level 1, right entrance) whose leaders have fallen under the thrall of a harpy- another chromantic paracitized by nanotech. An complication is the ulfire MU summoned a beholder kin who guards the treasure the bandits were trying to amass, but the MU was killed. Now the bandits don’t know what to do, want the treasure, and hate their harpy "queen". Might be willing to deal with the PCs. Also the tomb of a former gith resides here along with tech from the astral fortresses that exsist above V'COSA.

LEVEL FOUR- Orrery of the False Minotaurs

Six individuals from the jale civilization that made Level 2 each wearing a magic helm created by THE EGG. Each helm looks like a triceratops skull produced by HR Giger and each helm represents a planet. In room #419, one minotaur (The oracle) casts a tiny figurines (Figurines of Wondrous Power?) each, representing the PCs, on a stone floor , representing the influence of the planets (the other Minotaurs). If PCs are killed/captured by a Minotaur in their respective “territories”, it impacts the rest of the party. If players take the helmets they risk coming under the influence of THE EGG. This oracle is in competition with the oracle on Level 1.

I will admit how I am going to make this level work will need to be decided, but I think the idea is cool enough it will be worth the effort.

LEVEL FIVE- Gestation of the Ghroth Wolves

Level is an old serpent empire trading post given the geometries that make up these sections. Here is where THE EGG landed when it fell from the sky (left most star on the map). It endlessly sheds itself leaving hollow copies that believe they are the true EGG (small stars on the map). Hollow Copies seeks to engulf and seal up PCs. If successful the PC is rebirthed as a warlord of Ghroth (some specific powers) that only gains XP when accomplishes THE EGG’s desires. Obtaining any helm from LEVEL FOUR is one goal. Some such weaker warlords exist on the level too paranoid or weakened to leave, but envious of new ones-- some talk, some fight, some scheme. Maybe each has a small stone embedded in their head (re-skinned Rod of Seven Parts) which can be collected.

LEVEL SIX- The Last Astral Pilot

Level features a large multi-columned hall.  Resting place of an Astral Pilot, wrapped in fine gaussemer wraps (re-skinned mummy or wraith, HD6+1, few other changes but with Gith overtones). Trapped here by accident when THE EGG landed as it disrupted phasing ability. Level also features wights which are former “crew” and other hapless turned adventures. Hall is actually an astral ship that can be re-activated provided the PCs have enough AI and vantanic assistance.


  1. Regarding level 4, I think this'd be a good location to have territory be starkly obvious by casual observation. "These six chambers are blue, with curved yellow sigils on the walls. The adjacent 9 chambers are red with rigid black runes on the ceilings."

    Also, I'm curious what you mean by "If PCs are killed/captured by a Minotaur in their respective “territories”, it impacts the rest of the party."

    1. Absolutely, I also want to extend that to the rest of the dungeon as well. Create distinct environments even if its a bit of a stretch.

      Re: Captured by the Minotaur
      I'd like this level to be a sorta mini-game between one minotaur whose a seer and the PCs. The helmet that minotaur wears connects the PCs to some larger fate and their batter with the other minotaurs brings that fate close to truth or away from it.
