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NIGHTWICK ABBEY: The Purple Eater of People, Session 12

Summary of Session 12, far more productive than 11...

Previously in Nightwick...

The Party

Blossom (Rogue 2)
Charwe (Cleric 1)
Mayfly (Magic-User 2)
Sumac (Changling 1)
Hirelings: Pavel, Tizche, Elgast, Grolmes, Ernko (MU 0)

At the Medusa's Head...

A new year in Nightwick Village! Praise be to St. Gax and the Holy LAW! Specifically, it is the 3rd of Primes, 1391 when we join our "heroes" (who first entered Nightwich Village on Shocktober 14th, 1390). A new year was dotted with new faces in the party including the cleric, Charwe,  and several new hirelings. Though only two peasants and a supposed magician, Mayfly scooped them up and outfitted them with the best he can give the rural location. The total layout is ~110 SP on gambeson, shields, spears, and clubs for the lot.

(PC NOTE: Hirelings are cheap sure, but outfitting them is more about being able to hold the line and have a sustained engagement in Nightwick Abbey.)

The group has decided to return to the Pool to retrieve the body of Handel and recover the treasure on its person. Even if they have to put "Handel" in the grave for a second time. Nightwick has a tendency to give new (un)life to dead adventurers.

(PC NOTE: Awesome mechanic.)

...once at Nightwick Abbey...

RIGHT TOWER: Like last time, Mayfly and company descent into the darkness of the right tower. Once down they head toward the southeastern door to reach the Pool.

THE POOL: After telling the goblins to leave us alone, the party carefully opens the door to the pool room looking for the body of Handel. Sumac is first to lay eyes on the poor soul now twisted into a hideous undead form crouched in the corner. The unHandel does not move as Sumac readies an arrow.

Then Blossom steps into the room. Upon seeing an old friend who left them to be twisted by the Abbey, the monster leaps clawed hands outstretched! unHandel's preternatural ferocity is far quicker than the party who has trouble organizing themselves. Charwe feels the cold that emanates from those claws. But responds with a holy rebuke!

Suddenly, loud groans and the tumble of rock are heard throughout the Abbey! As if a great sleeping beast rolled in its sleep.

The unHandel (upper left) and our
rightfully fearful party (lower right)

The holy words are not enough and with a scream, unHandel assults the party further. The party's spears seem to bounce off of iron-hardened skin. Desiring treasure and the life to enjoy it, Mayfly throws his vial of holy water at his former friend-in-a-loose-sense-- hit! The creature's iron skin as well as the stone Abbey floor bubble and char as if burned.

Once again, the rumbling of moving rock is heard all around...

The party finally gains the upper hand with the classic oil flask-plus-torch combination. The creature, now on fire, stumbles into the pool...unHandel dead for a second time. After probing the corpse just to be sure, the party gathers the 1000sp worth of torture tools, divides them among each other, and looks at the surprising changes in the Abbey's architecture.

Pardon the spelling, the torchlight
makes it so difficult to write.

THE FUCK ROOM: The south exit from the pool now gives way to a large scribe's area complete with two large desks against each wall. Mayfly is initially excited about the possibility of scrolls or spellbooks. But instead just finds a giant collage of paper and dark blood spelling out "FUCK".

Not today Nightwick Abbey. Not today! Enough exploring.

...back to Nightwick Village...

The party returns to the village so as to bank the treasure recovered and resupply. After resting up, they decide to try and head back to the FUCK Room and poke around in the new areas.

THE FUCK ROOM: With little incident, the players were able to make it back to the FUCK room and investigate the single door to the south. 

ODD VIBRATIONS: The southern door leads into a hallway the players explore. To the west, the hallway continues with a door on the south wall and a turn north which leads to the former dance hall. Further south from the southern door is another door which a faint thrum could be felt. To the east, the hallway leads to a scabbed-over dead end.

THE ANTE-BATSHIT-ROOM: The party carefully opens the door to an empty room where the thrum gets stronger. Almost a somewhat regular pulse- more felt than heard. There is one door to the south here and leaking out from behind it is piles of bat guano!

The party converses about this situation and after further investigation establishes a few things: (1) the guano is value able as a spell component; (2) there is most likely a giant bat behind the door; (3) simply opening the door and throwing a torch behind it would incinerate the bat--- maybe also blow up the room.

The party decides to explore further and come back to it later.

THE NINE-PIN DEN: Once it is established by Blossom the turn north leads to the Dance Hall, the party opens the west hallway door to another surprise-- a 9-pin bowling den and eleven dredges, one of whom was in mid-throw. All eleven heads swivel to fix angrily on the PCs. 

And if records had been invented, then the needle-scratch would have been loud. All rush the door, eerily silently, with daggers drawn! Despite overwhelming numbers, the drudges are dispatched with only the new cleric almost being killed in the process.

While investigating the room, the party finds a pile of 15 black stones. When Grolmes is prompted to pick one up he stiffens then drops the rock, babbling about seeing his dead mother. Sumac's keen eyes notice that Grolmes eyes have appeared to have gained a few years...

..back to Nightwick Village.

As the party is leaving, Ernko pipes up, "Now is the time for my magic!". Waving his hands, he declares, "These stones are magical!". Thanks, Ernko. Thanks. Looks like a visit to Halfdan will help clear up what they are for.

If this all sounds fun, come join this devil-besotted delve! 
Information here in this link.

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