CON REPORT: GameHoleCon 11 Day 3


Rounding out my final con report. While not the final, final day, Saturday was the last night for me running and playing games. On Sunday I did some catching up and a little bit of shopping in the dealer hall. 

Speaking of deals, THE BEST DEAL of the convention was the $10 Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG softcover rulebook. Smart move on Goodman Game's part to go so low, especially given the number of games they ran and the drop-in, drop-out 0-level charity tournament they were running.


In the final outing Federic (rogue), Frederic (fighter), Freddy (rogue), Quentin (changing), YinYang (magician), and Bob (cleric) delved into the Abbey in search of the vicar of Frogguts.

  • The PC quickly got the better of some curious berserkers by fanning out and taking advantage of backstabbing, and then it also put the half-human quarter-dog quarter-sheep "thing" out of its misery quickly. 
  • They deliberated for a bit which allowed two floating corpses to drift into the room and provide loud, cackling commentary on their predicament (DM NOTES: Kept rolling "indifferent" on their reaction) and suggesting heading south- which the PCs did only to cause Quientin the Changling to become possessed and running into a room full of the blind dead: We slam the door, hold it shut, and spike the door!
    Not a Sunday service you want to attend

  • The party then doubled back and proceeded into a ruined laboratory with suspicious mounds of garbage, after a bit of searching, the moved to a room to the north littered with pages covered in bloody scrawl-- as red scratches formed on their skin, they proceeded to fight the XXXX which decimated 2/3 of the party
  • The remaining 3 PCs escaped and decided to continue to delve deeper into the maw of this hell-mouth, which most immediately earned their magician a death in a pit trap and subsequent resurrection as a floating corpse which in turn strangled the remaining fighter!
  • The cleric grabbed what shiny items he could and ran out of the Abbey, leaving his poor companion to his fate.
  • SCORE: Silver Ending 0.5 Safe Vicar Ending 0; technically the cleric carried enough silver item out, but I feel if the Abbey's forces killing another 5/6 is an Abbey "win"; rooms covered: 9

What a perfect context for a charity and also a great way to show case old-school-oriented gaming. Basically, you made a $10 donation to receive a token and the minute a seat opened up near one of 3 DM, you sat down, and received an index card-sized 0-level DCC character sheet from what look like a stack of hundreds.

Yup- 3 hp and a stick (1d4-1 dmg). If you died, you rang a gong (FUN!) and were given another character. We aimed to assemble the lion of Mitra in DCC's take on Jennell Jaquays' Dark Tower. But it doesn't just stop there, you can also make further donations to gain boons and pass out banes to other players, the DM, or other parties (see below).

I played for about 2-hours and had a lot of fun! The DM's were fantastic and it was one of the most positive experiences I had at GameHoleCon. I hope this event can be replicated across numerous other cons throughout the country.

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