Art by Chris Huth |
Interested in Nightwick? Join the fun and death here!
MAYFLY 1st level MU (NEW)
Spells: Light, Protection from Evil, Read Magic
STR 07 (-1) INT 15 (+1) WIS 08 (-1) DEX 16 (+2) CON 16 (+2) CHA 08 (-1)
And So Begins the Story of Mayfly...
Back at the Medusa's Head, Blossom recounts the unfortunate end to the last party that followed her into Nightwick Abbey (Session 1 here.). Mayfly quickly surmises it was mere incompetence and a student of the mystical arts would certainly not blunder into unprepared like that frog. Besides they had one of the local woodsmen with them, Osbert (1st lvl Fighter), and even a man of god, Dominic (1st lvl Cleric), judging by his sandwich board. Blossom dropped coin for two peasants, Sibet & Pavel, and Akeyteus, a man of skill judging by his weapons. Supplies were bought. And so, a cleric, fighter, magic-user, and thief walked into a dungeon...
Delve #2 now with mapping |
RIGHT TOWER: The party quickly locked in on the right tower as per Blossom's recollection of all the death that occurred in the left tower. Osbert's professional door opening skills were on fine display as the trapdoor was yanked up. Torches were dropped and the party descended. Mayfly was one of the last to descend as he spiked the trap door open as in the old ways-- which earned Mayfly a squirt of some sorta viscous fluid.
MAGGOT-EYED STATUE: Fanning out, the PCs noted the room they found themselves in contained 4 fours (2 left, 2 right) and a disturbing iron statue depicting one of the Sword Brothers- heretics who founded the Abbey. Mayfly and Blossom circled the statue hoping it would reveal secrets-- it did not. But though Blossom's probing with her thieves' tool found it was full of meat with maggots writhing in the eyes which seems to follow the party. Osbert solved this eerie issue by just placing a bag over its head. Surprisingly Osbert did not immediately die or suffer some other worse fate. Mayfly spikes a door open as in the old ways.
FIRST CONTACT!: The PCs picked one direction and kept going. West it was. First, through a room with burned trash in it. Nothing interesting. Next, the PCs proceeded into a room with two corpses on the floor. Burn marks all over them- potential victims of the previous room?
The slight twitching that proceeded the corpses rising up kept the party from being completely surprised. Akeyteus, the professional, rushed to engage the first with Blossom, and the brave peasant, Pavel. Dominic, heart bolstered in by God, engaged the second. Osbert rushed into the melee, but not before the fury of the living dead began their attack. Mayfly, daggers ready, retreated to a strategic position in no way due to cowardness.
The first strike of the dead was fatal! Akeytus was lifted off his feet and dropped on his head which busted like a ripe melon (5 HP and took 6 DMG-- oof!). The next rounds were a rough back and forth, the dead's cackles filling the chamber with the swears and grunts of the party. Dominic returns the second one back to the grave it came from with a mighty blow (Nat 20-- nice!). And Osbert and Blossom laid low the second one shortly after. Mayfly emerged with not a scratch on him. And spiked another door.
RUINED LIBRARY & READING ROOM: Turning south, the PC encountered something Mayfly could defeat, the written word. Sensing treasure, Mayfly combed the selves while the others looked around. This survey turned up a magic scroll. Blossom decided to check the door to the east and hearing nothing, opened it. There she witnesses a slow, silent dance between a group of swordsmen. And just as slowly, she closed the door. Not a way forward. The southern door yielded to a small reading room. Like the rooms, before it contained smashed furniture, but a large ornate lectern. Osbert, seeing a way to needle Mayfly, quickly pilfered another scroll he spotted. Mayfly lamented over the ruined book. Continuing further south, the PCs hear an ominous...thwack! THWACK! thwack!... with overtures of wet meat.
Time was running short, so the PCs decided a fight and found scrolls were enough. So without incident, the party returned to the surface unmolested. And with the body of Akeytus.
Back at the Medusa's Head...
Osbert confronted Mayfly about his lack of magical manifestation. Mayfly stammered an apology and vague offense to having been questioned as a university man. Osbert offered up the pilfered scroll and Mayfly stunned by the kindness, magicked two new shirts to replace Osber's ruined one using only the silver in his pocket and the local tailor.
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