CON REPORT: ReaperCon 2024 Day 2


ReaperCon mascot Sophie


Back at it again with the ReaperCon homebrew system. This time I play the elf fighter and played around with the cleave and "overkill" actions where you could continue to move to attack another target provided you killed your previous target. We where back on the hunt for a cousin of our wizard who was suffering from a curse.

  • We defended a bar from what turned out to be clay rats. Since the owner left out of fear, we decided that we owned this terrible bar. The NPC minutes used were also all painted in black with white highlights so our table kept joking that it was a Goth bar.
  • Then we traveled to the farmstead where the cousin was located and defended it from clay spiders which let us learn about the location of a clay pit to the north
  • The climatic fight at the claypit, where we observe crystals falling into the water and clay creatures arising. Looking up, there were crystals of all sizes in the ceiling. 
  • In what was a nice old-school play, I asked the wizard to web the largest crystal in the ceiling to prevent it from falling in the water.
Miranda Elkins' NIGHTWICK ABBEY Session #2

A fresh band of brave (and conscripted) adventurers looking to save a poor lost vicar (and clear their own previous misdeeds) descended into the mouth of hell once again! The party composition: Kevinson the Grave Robber (a Nightwick "half-class"), Ironfist the Dwarf, Astrid the Fighter, "Stringy" Jack the Changling plus Sven & Percival.
  • This time players quickly found the secret door in the West Tower because they were brave about touching things
  • Once through the secret door, the player find a mysterious book that speaks to them asking for blood in return for answering a question-- that draws a very negative reaction, so they cut the book off its neck-like stand
  • Heading south they find a potential secret door that just requires someone to stick their fingers into an image of bowl of communion wafers held by a devilman-- "Stringy" Jack decides to use the fried frogling fingers found earlier to punch the holes-- and opened a secret door to a room full of the dead!
  • After holding off the corpse congregation, the players made it to the kitchen to find the tied up vicar; after a few rounds the battle did not go well for the PCs-- Kevinson and Percival took off after Sven was killed, a couple of more PCs dropped but landed heavy hits at the Butcher
  • In the end, the PCs agreed to the Butcher's bargain to leave the vicar and keep their lives!

    Total: Forces of Law 1 vs Nightwick 1
Quick DM notes on running convention games:
  • In addition to pre-gens, rolling 3-4 random encounters prior the to the game and giving them objectives really helps streamline and speed up the experience
  • Also not the OSR way, but I might consider an alternative to the Death & Dismemberment table because again, you only have 3 hours to be 2 hours in and have a character die and have to mentally reset might not be what players want (in my home game, I am very much "If he dies, he dies)
PAINTING CLASS: Fun And Simple Weathering

Weathering is a great way to add character to scenery so I thought this would be a good class to take especially since I have a few pieces of dungeon terrain I'd like to give some weathering too. The class was really quite good and my big take away was (1) when applying rust, thing about how water pools on an object; (2) using a sponge to help streak slime; (3) how to apply small highlights for both.

This door is stuck...


Good times! Try and paint a miniature with a "cutie mark" while wearing oven mitts, using a paintbrush attached to a plastic axe, and while wearing 3D glasses. Or whatever else Sophie Says.

1 comment:

  1. strong agree on the kid gloves in a con game — I default these days to "you continue to play as your ghost" when PC death happens
